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- Land for Sale Gharzouz Jbeil Area 740Sqm
Land for Sale Gharzouz Jbeil Area 740Sqm
نشر بتاريخ 2023-12-30 9:30 AM

115,000 دولار
مساحة الأرض:740 متر
Land for sale Gharzouz Jbeil Area 740 Sqm . Semi-flat land the Slope Ratio is very low. It reaches the road and is Considered in the first Village, Close to the Monastery and from the Villas area. Classified area Special accommodation Villas, sea view and Beirut and Mountain Property ID PL#0674 Price $115,000 / Cash Only Property Type Land Property status For Sale Land area 740 m2 Label Sale Zone ( H3 ) 30% - 50% h 9+1met www.byblosestate.com Cell 70.267686