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- Lan d for Sale Berbara Jbeil Area 864Sqm
Lan d for Sale Berbara Jbeil Area 864Sqm
نشر بتاريخ 2023-12-26 10:53 AM

200,000 دولار
مساحة الأرض:864 متر
Land for Sale Berbara Jbeil Area 864Sqm. Beautiful land, do not crash, close to the municipal building and on a road that leads to the neighboring villages. Panoramic view of the sea, mountain and natural vegetables. It has all the advantages and its regression is simple. Suitable for building a beautiful villa. Property ID PL#0525 Price $200,000 / Cash Only Property Type Land Property status For Sale Land area 864 m2 Label Sale Zone ( C ) 30% - 50% h 9+1met www.byblosestate.com Cell 70.267686