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- Professional LED 800 PRO with Dual Battery and Charger
Professional LED 800 PRO with Dual Battery and Charger
نشر بتاريخ 2024-02-06 10:13 AM

70 دولار
النوع:اكسسوارات ومعدات
The LED 800 light centers around an on-camera LED light that features 800 warm-to-the-touch LED bulbs. For mounting the light onto your camera, a ball mount is included and is adjustable to rotate in various directions. A rotary dial on the back panel of the light lets you select between different color temperatures from 3200K 6500k tungsten, and another dial lets you dim brightness from 100 10%. And for smoothing out contrast and reducing shadows, the kit contains a white diffuser that snaps onto the light magnetically and serves to soften and spread out the light output. The light runs on two included lithium-ion batteries and alternatively by a likewise included AC/DC power supply, and it is additionally compatible with separately sold Sony L Series F550, F760, and F960 batteries. On-Camera Camcorder / DSLR Light Kit 3200K-6500k Color Selectable by Dial 800 Bulb LED Light 100 10% Brightness Dimmer Price: $70.00 Whatsapp 70183277/76902596