Things To Avoid When Trading Crypto ( Buy this book get other free)

نشر بتاريخ 2023-09-19 5:55 AM
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عنوان الكتاب:Things To Avoid When Trading Crypto ( Buy this book get other free)
THE BOOK IS AVAILABLE AS AN ELECTRONIC FORMAT. IT WILL BE SEND TO YOUR EMAIL WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER THE PAYMENT IS RECIEVED Top 50 Common Mistakes Newbies Make That Can Be Avoided! If youre beginning, youre likely eager to trade. I get it, really. But dont rush it. Take a little bit of time to develop a basic cryptocurrency trading strategy and to educate yourself. Do you know the basics of blockchain technology and Bitcoin? Do you know what circulating vs total supply means? Do you understand what inflation is? Do you know about exchanges, wallets, private keys, and public keys? If you cant answer these basic questions, youll be in trouble quick enough. Take some time to prepare yourself, its essential.